【漫画】初心者からプロへ:ChatGPTを使ったミッドジャーニー プロンプトの作り方【コピペするだけ】
作家として、魅力的なアイデアを思いつくことは、時に困難なことです。次の作品のために新鮮なコンセプトを考えようとすると、創造的な障害にぶつかることがよくあります。だからこそ、MidJourney Prompt Formulaは、エキサイティングで便利なツール!
このシンプルで効果的な式は、あなたの想像力を刺激するユニークで魅力的なプロンプトを作成するのに役立ちます。ここでは、MidJourney Prompt Formulaの仕組みと、有名なスポーツ選手やハリウッド女優を題材にした楽しい例をご紹介します。

MidJourney Prompt Formulaは、魅力的なプロンプトを生成するのに役立つ、巧妙で汎用性の高い方法です。ここでは、このフォーミュラを実際に使ってみましょう:(画像の被写体)、(アニメの名前)風、(5つの形容詞)、(被写体が行っている動詞)。
まずは、MidJourney Prompt Formulaを応用して、有名なスポーツ選手に関するプロンプトを作成してみましょう:
- Here is a MidJourney Prompt Formula:
(Subject of image), in the style of (name of a cartoon), (5 adjectives), (verb that subject is performing)
Please respond with “yes” if you understand the formula
- Write me 5 midjourney prompts about famous athletes
- Please rewrite the same 5 prompts but without the parentheses
1. Usain Bolt, in the style of The Flash, energetic, swift, charismatic, muscular, sprinting.
2. Serena Williams, in the style of Wonder Woman, powerful, graceful, determined, fashionable, serving.
3. LeBron James, in the style of Looney Tunes, powerful, agile, charismatic, determined, comedic, slam-dunking a basketball.
4. Lionel Messi, in the style of Scooby-Doo, quick, precise, unpredictable, creative, lighthearted, dribbling past defenders on the soccer field.
5. Cristiano Ronaldo, in the style of Superman, skilled, confident, chiseled, ambitious, scoring.
以下の画像はプロンプトに”–v 5 –ar 16:9 –q 2“を足して生成したものです!
Usain Bolt, in the style of The Flash, energetic, swift, charismatic, muscular, sprinting.

Serena Williams, in the style of Wonder Woman, powerful, graceful, determined, fashionable, serving.

LeBron James, in the style of Looney Tunes, powerful, agile, charismatic, determined, comedic, slam-dunking a basketball.

Lionel Messi, in the style of Scooby-Doo, quick, precise, unpredictable, creative, lighthearted, dribbling past defenders on the soccer field.

Cristiano Ronaldo, in the style of Superman, skilled, confident, chiseled, ambitious, scoring.

では、MidJourney Prompt Formulaを使って、有名なハリウッド女優を題材にしたプロンプトを作成してみましょう:
- Here is a MidJourney Prompt Formula:
(Subject of image), in the style of (name of a cartoon), (5 adjectives), (verb that subject is performing)
Please respond with “yes” if you understand the formula
- Write me 5 midjourney prompts about famous Hollywood actress
- Please rewrite the same 5 prompts but without the parentheses
1. Meryl Streep, in the style of The Simpsons, versatile, elegant, expressive, iconic, humorous, delivering a captivating monologue.
2. Emma Stone, in the style of The Flintstones, charismatic, witty, animated, nostalgic, stylish, delivering a comedic performance in a prehistoric setting.
3. Jennifer Lawrence, in the style of Frozen, relatable, quirky, down-to-earth, playful, defying gravity.
4. Sandra Bullock, in the style of The Jetsons, innovative, charming, futuristic, relatable, warmhearted, navigating the challenges of a space-age family life.
5. Viola Davis, in the style of Steven Universe, powerful, empathetic, resilient, inspiring, captivating, giving an emotional performance in a dramatic scene.
以下の画像はプロンプトに”–v 5 –ar 16:9 –q 2“を足して生成したものです!
Meryl Streep, in the style of The Simpsons, versatile, elegant, expressive, iconic, humorous, delivering a captivating monologue.

Emma Stone, in the style of The Flintstones, charismatic, witty, animated, nostalgic, stylish, delivering a comedic performance in a prehistoric setting.

Jennifer Lawrence, in the style of Frozen, relatable, quirky, down-to-earth, playful, defying gravity.

Sandra Bullock, in the style of The Jetsons, innovative, charming, futuristic, relatable, warmhearted, navigating the challenges of a space-age family life.

Viola Davis, in the style of Steven Universe, powerful, empathetic, resilient, inspiring, captivating, giving an emotional performance in a dramatic scene.

MidJourney Prompt Formulaは、あなたの執筆プロセスに新しい息吹を吹き込む革新的な方法です。大衆文化の要素を組み合わせ、気まぐれを加えることで、想像力豊かで楽しいコンテンツを生み出すインスピレーションを与える魅力的なプロンプトを作成することができます。このフォーミュラを試して、クリエイティブな可能性を引き出してください!(ChatGPTを利用してこのブログ記事は書かれてます)